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Walking Workshops


When we go on a 'walking workshop' together there will be a moment of visual stimulation, something will catch your eye which you decide you want to photograph...but before you press the shutter I will ask you to take a deep breath and make sure you are fully present in the NOW.


In meditation, the breath is often used as an anchor; the thing we return to when we notice sensations, thoughts or feelings playing out across our mind. In Mindful Photography, we return to 'seeing' so as you hold your breath I will ask you to think about what it was that stopped you in your tracks, what made you connect to the visual nature of the scene? 


As you breathe normally again, I will ask you to detach yourself from your current mental distractions…the problems at work…or at home...or in your relationships…and instead try to focus only on your surroundings. Is the sunlight making anything stand out and demand your attention? Are there any patterns in the shadows that look interesting to you? Do not judge what you see…just be curious and observe…look for details…disconnect yourself from the rest of the world…slow down and focus on the process. When you feel calm and at peace…take your photo. 



There is another little experiment I will ask you to do on the walk, which will help you re-focus and see your life in a different light. I will get you to limit yourself to only shooting what makes you feel good at that precise moment. You will be amazed at how these pictures will tell you who you are in just a few frames. It’s completely your choice what images you want to capture but this therapeutic exercise will help you to be honest with yourself. If you decide that the overflowing rubbish bins are more interesting than the beautiful swans on the lake, ask yourself why? Is it the interesting shapes, or the light hitting the subject or something a bit darker? If so, maybe it is time to change the way you see life!


“We must look at the lens through which we see the world, as well as at the world we see, and that lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.”

Stephen Covey


For me, photography is where I can truly find myself. It is my own sacred space. Try it for yourself. Do not show these pictures to anyone else. This is a private matter. To try and take brilliant shots and show off to friends is not what this is about. The idea is that you can take terrible shots and nobody will ever know! This exercise is for you only. There is nobody you have to impress. It is a moment of total honesty between you and your inner self.


“One doesn’t stop seeing. One doesn’t stop framing. It doesn’t turn off and turn on. It’s on all the time.”

Annie Leibovitz


  • Start training your eye to see things intuitively even when you don’t have a camera in your hands.

  • Look at architecture and see how the design of a building affects shadows at different times of day.

  • Study the work of photographers whose work you admire, but be careful not to copy them. It is alright to emulate, but once you duplicate you are no longer true to yourself.​

  • Photography, and art in general, is a universal language; learn to express yourself freely and with confidence.


“Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times. And if things don't work out, just take another shot.”

Ziad K. Abdeinour


The more you practice mindfulness the more you will discover about yourself. If you choose to return regularly to the same location, to spend time slowly exploring the visual feast available you may begin to see beauty which once eluded you. This ability, cultivated through mindful photography, can support you to look at your daily experience with fresh eyes.


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